Public notice ads consist of specific information to notify acertain group of people about issues that matter. An individual, government and certain corporate units can place notice ads at a particular period of time. The ads are not bound by any text or image restrictions and offer a wide reach. You can also opt for multiple language options for releasing notice ads.
Notice ads can follow both classified and display ad formats. Display ad format is expensive, but follow a new age design pattern. The design and content style followed is attractive and catch the users’ attention. There are certain legalities involved in releasing notice ads that include placing your ads in both English and a vernacular newspaper in case of a name change.
Notice ads are largely released for -
Release adswith Lookad India at India’s leading newspapers like TOI, ABP, Dainik Jagran, Dainiki Bhaskar, Eenadu, HT to name a few.
How to Book Notice Ads with Lookad India?
You can also email usyourNotice Ad related queries at For more information, call us at+91 98300-30877 / +91 98304-00021 or drop a message and our media professionals will get in touch with you.
Notice Ads
Financial Result Ads
Appointment Ads
Tender Ads
Display Ads
Obituary Ads
Times of India Ads